This module contains three interrelated units namely Extraction Methodologies, Residual Materials from Post Extraction
Processing and the Impact of Primary and Secondary Mineral Raw Materials on the environment.
Study Goals After completing this module, students will be able to:
Explain the environmental and societal implications associated with the mining related processes to enable the development of
innovative management strategies for geo-resources.
Explain the different extraction methodologies and consequences and implications associated with them.
Evaluate the nature of the residual materials from post extraction processing specifically the origin, handling, stacking and
storage of mining residues.
Explain the physical, chemical and fluid Interactions and dynamics for mining residues.
Analyse and interpret appropriate geophysical and InSAR monitoring data to detect anomalies and consequences over different
time scales of mining residues. es in solid waste management into scientific research questions
and/or engineering opportunities.
Design an integrated plan for the extraction, waste storage and handling, targeting minimal waste and mitigation type strategies
for risk/hazards associated with mine waste.
Consider the UN, ICMM and EU goals and regulations when developing engineering solutions for waste management options.
Work effectively in a team to define, plan and execute a project assignment and to report the outcomes structured and consistent
by means of oral presentations and written report.